CRED Pay UPI Offer: Get Up Rs.500 By Sending Money

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CRED Pay UPI Offer

CRED Pay UPI Offer: Hey everyone, exciting news The CRED app has just introduced a new feature called CRED Pay. Now you can conveniently send money using this payment option, and it operates through the UPI system. For exciting offers, we recommend joining our Telegram Channel.

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CRED App UPI Offer: Get Up Rs.500 By Sending Money

CRED has rolled out special offers for CRED Pay to encourage its use. Similar to other UPI payment apps, CRED Pay offers cashback for transactions made through the platform. Take advantage of this CRED Pay offer today.

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CRED App Send Money Loot: Get Huge cashback

Loot for Cred Users open Link:


1. Open the CRED app.

2. Navigate to Pay Contacts at the bottom.

3. Transfer a minimum of 100 to your own personal UPI ID.

Note: Transfer UPI from one account to another.

4. Boom! Enjoy big cashback.

Note: Big Cashbacks are available for selected users.

How to get up to Rs.500 Cashback on sending money?

Cred App New Bug loot, Earn Upto Rs.250 /500

1. Open the CRED app or download it from the given link.

Join Cred now

2. Navigate to the Send Money option.

3. Click on the Rs. 250 Cashback banner and send Rs. 1 to a contact.

4. Click on Claim Now.

5. Share the link on WhatsApp.

6. Copy the link from WhatsApp and then click on Unlock Cashback. You will receive cashback.

7. Go back without doing anything else.

8. Open the CRED app again and claim cashback from below.

9. Repeat this process until you get cashback.

10. Enjoy.

Note: Send money to new users every time (Rs.250 Banner must be shown)

CRED Pay new send money offer: Get 10X Cashback

1. Update your Cred App and go to Pay Contacts.

2. Look for contacts displaying the 10X logo and send them ₹1.

CRED App UPI Offer: Get Up Rs.500 By Sending Money

3. Instantly receive up to ₹100 cashback.

4. Give it a few tries you might get cashback 3 or 4 times.

5. Enjoy.

How to get cashback from CRED Pay Offer?

Old CRED Users – Starts from direct 11th Step.

1. Download the CRED App from the given link.

CRED Joining Link

2. Open the app, skip the introduction, and click on Apply to CRED.

3. Enter your mobile number and verify it with OTP.

4. Provide your first name, last name, and email address, then continue.

5. Allow all requested permissions and wait for a few seconds.

6. The app will automatically calculate your credit card score and provide points.

7. Congratulations. Add any credit card to CRED and receive a Rs. 100 sign-up bonus.

8. After adding your card, make a payment with a small amount.

9. Complete the payment using any payment mode.

10. Upon successful payment, you will receive free vouchers.

11. Explore the CRED Pay option.

12. Click on it, and scan the QR code of any merchant.

13. Complete the payment and enjoy instant cashback.

On 1st UPI Send Money / Scan Money Transaction through CRED Pay – You will get Up to ₹1000 cashback

On 2nd UPI Send Money / Scan Money Transaction through CRED Pay – You will get CRED Coins.

CRED App UPI Offer: Get Up Rs.500 By Sending Money


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